Fleckney Village Trust Logo
 What We Do
 Guest Book

Fleckney Village Trust


Membership subscription is only £1.00 per annum and is an excellent way to support us. We rely heavily on money raised in this way to fund annual expenses such as bedding plants for the roadside planters and hanging baskets. Members’ newsletters are produced twice a year to keep you up to date with events. Inquire at Fleckney Post Office or Fleckney Library for a membership form.

Come to the  AGM

Visit the Fleckney Village Website

Held in March at the village hall, we aim to make this a social as well as a business occasion. Why not come along to find out what we have done during the past year and enjoy some light refreshments. There is usually a display of photographs and we would be interested to hear your ideas for our village. The date of the AGM will be advertised in the Fleckney Communicata and on this website.

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